September 6, 2012The Importance of TouchIn the hectic world we live in today, we are often touch deprived. This can be especially true for single […]
September 7, 2012Tips to Help You Decompress after High StressWith busier work schedules, college, or moving children from activity to activity, our days and environments become increasingly stressful. Here […]
September 10, 2012Your Brain on PesticidesAccording to Psychology Today, recent studies on low-dose exposure to a variety of common pesticides are linked to ADHD in […]
September 13, 2012Do Opposites Attract?When looking for a partner, do we look for similarities or differences? Is it true that “opposites attract”? Opposites might […]
September 17, 2012High Stress Jobs Linked to Heart DiseaseAccording to Time Magazine, a European research team reviewed 13 studies of workers with highly demanding, stressful jobs. The researchers […]
September 19, 2012Everything Needs a HomeHave you heard the rule that ‘Everything needs a home’ in order to have an organized home or work environment? […]
October 3, 2012Bringing Consciousness to Your AnxietyMost people have felt anxiety. You can be moving through your day and suddenly remember an uncompleted project or begin […]
October 8, 2012Two Common Myths about ADHDMyth #1: ADHD isn’t a real medical disorder. Research has shown that attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is caused by an […]
October 10, 2012Health Effects of LonelinessAccording to Time Magazine, researchers are finding that feeling lonely or living alone can increase the chance of early death. […]