Your Brain on Pesticides

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Your Brain on Pesticides

According to Psychology Today, recent studies on low-dose exposure to a variety of common pesticides are linked to ADHD in children and to neurodegenerative conditions later in life. The most common points of exposure are through the residues found on fruits and vegetables, on corn and wheat, and in drinking water.

The easiest way to protect yourself from residues on fruits and vegetables is to wash the skin whether or not you’ll eat the skin itself. When cutting or peeling the produce, the pesticide residue can be transferred to the flesh.

Also, buying organic produce when available can significantly cut the risk of exposure. Apples, bell peppers, and strawberries are all on the Environmental Working Group’s list of “Dirty Dozen” that contain higher levels of pesticides. If having to pick and choose which produce to purchase organic, consumers should aim for those on the list.

Although pesticides cannot be eliminated from a person’s environment completely, studies are showing that reducing exposure can have a positive health impact.